Soil Boring & Test Pit - TR4

HRF - NYCDOB - Soil Boring & Test Pit 

HRF Materials Testing Laboratory is nationally accredited by A2LA with Certificate Number: 5489.01 and registered with the New York City Department of Buildings to provide field sampling and testing for soil type and soil bearing capacity.  

Our field crew and staff both conducts these investigations and provides geotechnical engineering reports that include recommendations for construction. Our equipment is geared for any site condition, with our drill rigs mounted onto trucks, track machinery & Tripod. In addition, we have excavators, dump trucks, and utility vans as support vehicles for our drilling services.

- Soil Borings

- Test Pits

- Soil Percolation Tests

- Groundwater Monitoring Wells

Award Winning

We’ve won more awards than we can count, but we don’t let that go to our heads. We dedicate ourselves to every project.

Expert Team

Your project will be handled by experts every time. We make sure you have the most experienced professionals working for you. 

Quality Guaranteed

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.
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